How to get to Patara
Options for visiting Patara
Hey, do you want to go to Patara, the famous beach and the ancient town near Kalkan?
There is actually a really cute village there too. Its called GelemiÅŸ
A few cute coffee shops, a couple of nice bars, a few inexpensive restaurants as well as many small hotels and pansiyons.
But how to get there?
Here are some choices to consider:
Some people walk and bike there, its just 15km away and also on the Lycian Way, the long distance 500km trail from Antalya to Fethiye.. Perfectly doable for fit individuals but not practical in the heat of the summer
Some people thumb a ride since the road to Patara has many cars heading that direction and picking up a ride is easy but not to everyone's taste nor sensibilities.
If you have a rental car, you can drive there in about 15 mins. Lots of free parking around there.
Taxi's are also a sensible options for visitors. Clean, cool, comfortable. Ask your favourite taxi driver and he'll arrange to get you there. Expect to pay somewhere around 15gbp each way.
Last but not least, public minibuses are also a very viable option. Inexpensive (not much more than 1gbp), frequent minibuses go from out from Bus Station/Otogar and KaÅŸ town. You can also catch this minibus in town, right in front of the Migros Jet, on the upper roundabout. Picture shows the Migros to wait at. The noted times are from the otogar. Subtract 5mins from that time, for Town stop.
Location of Bus Station / Otogar
Location of Town Stop
Finally, a mini warning about choice #5 : its hot, people sweat when they are hot. Public transport means sitting close to people who have sweat because its hot, sometimes you have no choice but to touch people who have sweat because its hot. You can imagine the rest.